Let us keep helping each other and especially the children in our lives.

I watched a video on Sunday of secondary school girls fighting. The poster of the video gave no location.

Sadly, the report is that one of the girls died due to the hits on her head and stomach from the other girl.

Instead of separating these girls, someone was recording the video, other children/teenagers were watching…

May GOD continually help us to help others. Amen. The child is most likely dead as posted for I watched in horror and saw there were a lot of kicks to her stomach and hits to her head.

Without the video, we wouldn’t know how graphic and morbid this incident was. I do not support secondary school students having phones in school or fighting though…

BUT this video is a wake-up call on so many issues that affect children’s safety..

Please let us note that every child deserves to be safe. We can all do our part in safeguarding children; creating the #learning, #coaching, #mentoring and #discipline required.

We have to keep counselling, listening to these children and giving out lessons on self-control. Violence does not end well in any circumstance. The solution to any violent outburst is to leave the scene immediately. We should teach our children the discipline of self-control and the safety in forgiveness.

I have written posts on these earlier; self-control and discipline.

GOD bless.

Ifeyinwa +

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. Ensure justice for those being crushed.” Proverbs 31:8

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